Friday, April 8, 2011

Eva Longoria Wardrobe Malfunction, Legs, A Letterman Tradition

Continuing what seems to be a tradition on The Late Show With David Letterman, Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria came on last night showing nothing but full legs, all thighs, and cleavage. Then, she had a wardrobe malfunction.

A button on Longoria's, er, "tuxedo," which David Letterman said was not really a tuxedo, managed to come off; it happened to be strategically located right at her cleavage.

On noticing this, Longoria, on a New York City television promotional tour that saw her on CNN's Piers Morgan talk show that evening, as well (as Morgan's show is produced and presented from New York), grabbed at the tux to help keep it from literally falling off her body!

It's noted that this is a tradition because a number of big-name female actresses have come on the show as guests wearing a really short skirt, or mini-skirt, with pumps. It happens so often, the wardrobe style must be part of Letterman's contractual appearance requirements for hot Hollywood women. Want an example? Presenting Jennifer Aniston:


David Letterman knows how to have his stars help him create buzz. Piers Morgan's probably slamming his fists on the glass table of his set, saying "Why didn't we think of that!"

Stay tuned.

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