Saturday, April 2, 2011

Japan: Radioactive water leaking into sea near nuclear plant

Massive rescue, cleanup efforts underway in Japan: After the earthquake and tsunami, entire towns in Japan have been destroyed. But search-and-rescue teams are fanning out in what will be a lengthy, complex endeavor.

Nuclear safety officials say a newly discovered crack in Japan's damaged nuclear plant could be the source of radioactive water that is leaking into the ocean.

In the ongoing struggle to contain its nuclear crisis, Tokyo Electric Power is rushing to block a crack its workers found in a pit that is leaking highly radioactive water into the ocean at its Fukushima Daiichi plant. A crack measuring almost eight inches long was discovered in the concrete wall of a pit where power cables are stored, according to Tokyo Electric Power Co. (Tepco), the plant's owner.

Radioactive water has been spilling into the Pacific Ocean from a crack in a maintenance pit discovered Saturday (02-Apr-2011) at Japan's distressed nuclear plant.

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