Saturday, April 2, 2011

LizaMoon SQL Injection Attack Hits Websites

Have you heard the scary news about 'LizaMoon,' a malicious code attack that has already infected more than a million websites? Don't panic.

More than one million website addresses have been compromised by a sophisticated hacking attack that injects code into sites that link to a fraudulent software sales operation. Hi-tech criminals seem to have perpetrated the attack by using security loopholes to insert malicious code into websites.

No need to panic, though. A little information and common sense are all you need to make sure that LizaMoon is nothing more than a minor annoyance.

Websense, a content security company, says it first discovered the attack, which it dubbed Lizamoon, late last month, and informed others.

The scareware sends users to a bogus Web page warning them that their PCs are infected with malware and tries to sell them an anti-virus application.

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